You’ve asked, so we want to answer! We believe that a Wedding Planner can, BUT it will depend highly on your priorities, who you hire, and what you consider as “saving money”. Let us explain!
PC: Visionari Photography
If saving money is your #1 priority, you CAN save a lot of money, but you might not get quality. Is that okay with you? If so, make sure to let your planner know! The reason you may not get quality is because discounting rates (under “normal”/non-Covid circumstances) isn’t usually something quality vendors need to do. That being said, there are a number of companies that may still be GREAT but offer discounted rates for couples who hire preferred Planners because we make their jobs easier. If your number one priority is to save money (and your Planner is aware of it), they will recommend a vendor who will give a discount over another who may cost the same (or less) just because you want to see a discount.
Which Planner you hire can also make a difference in the amount of savings you may receive. Often Planners who have been around longer may have more “connections” or have built more relationships that would benefit their clients. This is another example of the value “experience” can offer clients in our industry!
PC: Mike Pham Photography
We strongly believe one the best ways to creatively save our clients money is by creating and executing an efficient and realistic wedding day timeline. Since you pay your photographer and videographer likely by the hour, by making the best use of your time on your wedding day, we save our clients hundreds if not thousands of dollars not waiting around or misusing their time. By saving money this way, you can still get the quality vendor and save money! This is not to say that the “right” vendor for you may also offer a discount, but rather than solely basing your decision on getting a “discount”, we like this option!
WE offer discounts to our clients based on what venue you choose to have your wedding at! We do this because if you choose to get married at a venue we work at frequently, we have great relationships with all of their staff which makes our job easier! Feel free to ask us which venues this applies to!
Happy Planning!